Mark your calendars: on Saturday, May 15th, the Diocese of Los Angeles will celebrate the consecration of two bishops suffragan: Diane Bruce and Mary Glasspool. This is an historic occasion for the Diocese as these are the first two women to ascend to the rank of "purple shirt" there. But the one you will hear about (and hear about... and hear about some more) is Rev. Canon Mary Glasspool, not only because she is the second WOMAN elected bishop in Los Angeles... but she is also the second GAY PERSON in the United States to receive enough support from Standing Committees and House of Bishops to uphold her election to the episcopate that happened late last year. You can read the LA Times story HERE.
If you didn't see it before, you can click HERE to watch and listen to Mary Glasspool speak for herself... as opposed to reading what everybody else thinks of her. Always best to hear from the source, doncha think?
So, soon +Gene Robinson of New Hampshire might enjoy a chance to commiserate with his sister-in-Christ when she becomes "the lesbian bishop". I rejoice in the fact that her sexual orientation did not stand in the way of her election and consecration. It should not. Being part of the LGBT community doesn't make one less or more in the eyes of God. It makes us one of the loved sheep of the pasture, and the ones who are more and more, finding their way home.
I know some of my friends have said they wish that it wouldn't matter if somebody is gay and becomes a bishop. They note "gay bishops" make headlines whereas a diocese that elects a straight, white man does not. (Gee, do you really want the attention that bad?) I agree. Straight white men getting the jobs that have traditionally gone to straight white men don't make headlines. And I long for the day that my sexual orientation isn't used against me by the state or the church or the person waiting on me at a counter. So, for now, we must take note of these events... and to celebrate for the person Rev. Canon Mary Glasspool, as well as the symbolism of this action and what it signals for the future.
Thanks be to God!
Well said. May 15th... an auspicious day!
As usual you know how to put this into words that all who read it understand the true significance of this great happening.
I agree, Thanks be to God.
Thank you, both. And I look forward to May 15th!
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