Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Ask Your Prayers For...

Some months back, I wrote about the mother of my friend, Dona, who was having some serious health issues and spent several weeks in a rehab hospital. Gloria, the mom, is doing much better. Sadly, Dona's father, Richard, is not. Richard, who is gregarious and a guy who liked to help people, had been having some problems for the past few months. The doctors thought that maybe he'd contracted tuberculosis (he had been visiting with homeless vets at a shelter and had brought them computers to work with, so the theory was he'd been exposed to TB). After antibiotics failed to help, the decision was to operate. They took out part of his right lung, and... after initially saying there was no cancer... discovered that there was cancer. And it has spread.

They're trying to move Richard out of the hospital and into either hospice house or back home with hospice care. The doctors have not given him more than days now to live. He'll begin to sleep more, then drift into that state of being here but not here... and then he'll be gone. Please keep Richard, Glo, Dona and her partner Dana in your prayers.


Phoebe said...

It will be shorter to pray now I have names.. I have been remembering him in prayer since you spoke about it after MP.

SCG said...

Thanks, Phoebe. I'll share some Richard stories with you later. He's a hoot!

Anonymous said...

I am glad I found this. I don't know how I missed it so prayers will be said, Susan.
