Opponents of gay marriage are already promising to target the lawmakers who supported the legislation. This means vigilance by those who want to continue a policy of equality to get behind the Governor and others who have made marriage for the LGBT community possible. The anti-gay forces CAN be defeated because NH voters are independent, and they aren't as likely to march lock-step with the neo-cons, especially if gay people and their allies make the simple point that "It's over! Move on!"
I think I'll put on my NH/American lapel pin. Or maybe I'll start growing lilacs and planting white birch in the front yard. I'm rejoicing! I'm pleased! And I am a New Hampshirite, a lesbian, and I'm proud! Yay, New Hampshire! You're wicked awesome!!!
1 comment:
If you can get WMUR on your computer you can see the signing, and the happy young people in the gallery. Our wonderful Bishop made a statement as well.
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