Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bishop of Southeast FL Steps Up for Equality

The Bishop of Southeast Florida, Leo Frade, has been a true friend to the LGBT faithful in the Episcopal Church. He was the only bishop in the state to take a stand against the hateful Amendment Two during the 2008 election. And now, he's really stepped it up by posting on his blog that he will allow clergy in his diocese to bless same-sex marriages performed in other states and countries. Florida not only does not allow LGBT people to marry their same-gender partners; they've made it unconstitutional in 2008, and will not recognize marriages performed in other jurisdictions. Florida is just so friendly that way!

Still, the handwriting is on the wall. And at least this one bishop is not blind to the message.

+Frade's decision is based on the passage of C056 at the General Convention in Anaheim this year. He is clear to say he is NOT authorizing priests to marry couples, nor would he ask a priest to bless a same-sex couple if the priest finds this truly too personally difficult to do. Still, +Frade is the ONLY Episcopal bishop that I am aware of in the Sunshine State who is trying to really fulfill the spirit of C056 and administer pastoral care to same-sex couples.

Thank you, +Frade. May your actions inspire others to be as generous toward the LGBT faithful of the Episcopal Church.

Hmmm... how's the real estate market in southeast Florida.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered if you'd look into the Real Estate? But if not, maybe you could come back up here.
