Thursday, May 14, 2009

In Case You Missed It...

If you can't be in Anaheim for the General Convention, you can witness the Episcopal Church's governance through the power of the internet!

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori joined with other leaders in the church for a webcast yesterday afternoon, giving an overview of the convention and taking questions. You can watch it here.
As you might expect, there were a number of questions about B033 (the "we-won't-push-the-envelope-too-far-on-this-gay-thing" resolution that was adopted a few years back to place a moratorium on any more gay bishops, same-sex blessings and so forth). And the Anglican Covenant also drew some questions. As always, ++Jefferts Schori was poised and quietly persistent in her desire to keep from demonizing individuals and holding fast to the idea that it is through our "incarnational encounters" that hearts and minds are open. She is not advocating the repeal of B033, but is keeping the door open to the possibility of adopting a resolution that would supercede its authority.
We also know when to expect the Archbishop of Canterbury. He'll be there on July 9th to preach about the global economic situation. Fine. But I still say that if he attempts to push us into a corner on our progress toward full inclusion of the LGBT community, I think the Diocese of Los Angeles might want to give him some passes to visit the Magic Kingdom... and keep him occupied for the remainder of the convention.
And I liked +Bruno's comments about the youth of the church. Meet them where they are, and bring them into the picture. I would add, from my queer perspective, that it is the young people who are more likely scratching their heads and wondering what the fuss is about all this "gay stuff". More and more of the coming generations of Episcopalians... and those seeking a liberating God... have had the "incarnational encounters" with gay people and don't understand the on-going nonsense. Perhaps if our church would make positive moves in the direction of inclusion, more and more young people would be inclined to see us as "OK" rather than some dying breed of hypocrites. Don't think they don't see the line, "They will know that we are Christians by our love" as hypocritical when queers are kept from full sacramental rites in the church!!
Watch the webcast, and take an interest in the many directions of this church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts and I hope I have time to watch the Bishops words. She is wonderful.
