It was not a HUGE turn-out, but getting 30 Tallahassee people to show up in support of the National Equality March in Washington on 72-hours notice is pretty darned good! And we actually had some media coverage. Sadly, the TV station's website didn't feel the need to put the video up for people to see, but they did come... and they did give the newly-forming PFLAG chapter the credit for organizing this demonstration. I'm telling ya: Impact Tallahassee, the real organizer, don't get no respect!
People were of good cheer, and we had a number of people flashing us the peace sign and thumbs up. One car with four smiling and cheering African-American women rolled down their windows to take pictures. One of the passengers yelled, "I'm not gay, but I support y'all!"
And that's the point, isn't it? There were many standing with us along Monroe Street who are NOT themselves an L, G, B or T, but are people of good conscience and seeking a country where the phrase "... and liberty and justice for all" means something. And that is what it will take for there to be a real sea change in the United States. It is coming. It is slow, but it is coming. Now it's time for all those politicians to take note of the LGBT community, which showed up in the thousands in DC for the March, and make good on the promises they've made us. We are not going away, and we are certainly not backing down quietly.
When we get a mixed demonstration that is such a good thing: LGBT rights are human rights and what is freedom for one is freedom for all.
Amen, frdougal!!
Loved the pictures and the PFLAG banner. Good show!
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