Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Now is the Day of Salvation
At the top is the realization that 2009 means the reign of George W. Bush is coming to an end (Hallelujah!!!) But before we get too excited about the incoming administration, take a moment to consider the following line from Psalm 146:
Put not your trust in rulers, nor any child of the earth, for there is no help in them.
This makes a lot of sense to me, especially as a lesbian who has witnessed time and time again politicians make empty promises to the gay community (or other groups) and then selling them out. It seems to happen quite a bit to my gay brothers and sisters, and to be blunt, I'm sick of it. If you don't intend to fight for us, then please stop promising things you won't deliver. I have been asked too many times now about my opinion of the Rick Warren selection for Obama's inauguration, and I have been criticized harshly for having said I think it is a stupid and cynical choice. But what I have also said to people is that Barack Obama is a human being, and (as the above sentence from Ps. 146 indicates) I can't put my trust in Obama because he is more likely to disappoint me.
Not so with God. In these past 13 months, I have found that even in the darkest moments when I feel the world is crushing me, God is still reaching out to me, and keeping me from sinking.
My soul yearns for you in the night,
my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.
For when your judgements are in the earth,
the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.
--Isaiah 26: 9
This passage from the prophet Isaiah was part of today's Daily Office. Like the Psalm, this statement makes so much sense to me, particularly if you think of "the night" being those dark times. And the second half of the verse also makes sense. The more that individuals pay attention to God, and God's never-ending quest to be in loving relationship with all of creation...the more likely we are to arrive at having a "new heaven and a new earth" because all that has kept us apart from this amazing love that is God will fade away.
And the best part about all of this's free for everybody!! Rick Warren might care if you're queer. James Dobson might care if you're queer. But God embraces you and your queerness because to God, you are a beautiful "very good" part of the creation.
I called this entry "Now is the Day of Salvation" and I meant it. Not that you need saving. That's already happened....a long time ago on a hill far away with an old rugged cross and all that.
But if you begin to trust that God is really with you until the end of the age, you will also start to see salvation....and know that you are an important person and very much a part of God's plan. Welcome to the party!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Those Whom God Has Joined Together
So a brief explanation of the occassion, a couple of questions and repeat-after-me's, rings exchanged, and then the phrase my buddy the bride really wanted me to say:
"Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder."
This was the only mention of God in our intimate ceremony. Neither of my friends are particularly religious, but they are also not hostile to God. And it seemed fitting to keep this as part of the ceremony. Because even if I am not a priest, and wasn't invoking the name of God during the vows or the exchange of rings, God's presence was very much there with us in the room. And the presence of God came in the form of the love and tenderness Dennis and Beatrice have shown to each other, and the support of the community of friends and family who were with them for their wedding day. Any time love is as palpable as it was at the moment I laid my hand on theirs and said those words, God is also there.
Many, including me, have noted the irony of having me perform this ceremony. I'm a lesbian in Florida who is granted the power by the state to marry people...and yet I am now constitutionally-prohibited from marrying my own partner. I wondered how much this would weigh on my mind as I asked my friends to pledge their love, honor and respect for each other until death did them part. It didn't enter my head at all. Because this ceremony wasn't about me. I was touched and honored to be the one they asked to perform this rite for them; hence my thoughts were not for myself and my predicament here in the Overcast State. Instead, I was joyful that I could play a big part at this important time in their relationship. Especially, since Beatrice and I have known each other for so long, and have been friends who have bonded over cups of tea, and the desire to be authentically who we are. No moment could have been more authentic than this one.
My own wedding day will come, I'm sure. Maybe not tomorrow, and it may not arrive in Florida for quite some time. But it is coming. Because I believe when God brings people together, there is no state, no church, no synagogue...that can keep love down no matter the gender of the two people.
Now, I simply toast my dear friends, and desire for them a life of hope and happiness with each other. And may they enjoy their honeymoon in the aisles of Lowe's and Home Depot! :-)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
those who lived in a land of deep darkness--on them light has shined. You have multiplied the nation, you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as people exult when dividing plunder. For the yoke of their burden, and the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor,
you have broken as on the day of Mid'ian.
For all the boots of the tramping warriors and all the garments rolled in blood
shall be burned as fuel for the fire.
For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.--Isaiah 9: 2-7
Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.--Titus 3: 4-7
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy.For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water;the haunt of jackals shall become a swamp,* the grass shall become reeds and rushes.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Where is Your God Now?
I was seeing images of my family, and things familiar to me in New Hampshire. And none of it was good. I mean, the people and things themselves were good. But what was happening to them was not. I saw my family was homeless, and nowhere to go. All the houses around my hometown were vacant. The sky was dark, and there was snow falling on an already very wintry scene. And I saw this figure rising up, a shadowy character with flaming red eyes and a fanged-tooth grinning smirk of a smile. His blackened head looked like a lion and his torso was contorted and weird. He stared at me and chortled: "Where is your God now?" Seeing my despair, he kept up the laughter and the taunting.
For a moment I thought, "I don't know where God is." And then I saw myself standing inside a circle. And as I stood there...continuing to ponder the tempter's question....I found myself searching, both internally and externally, for God. The tempter had wanted to know where my God was, and I was determined now to find God. As I searched the circle and the scene beyond it with my eyes, and as I breathed deeply to seek God within, I found myself becoming calmer and realizing that even in this moment of desperation, God was still there for me. All I needed to do was look, find and tap into this powerful source of love and good. The more I could trust in this truth, the calmer I would become. And in the calm of being centered, I could defeat this demon.
And that's when I woke up.
I thought this was an interesting dream to have on the Fourth Sunday of Advent when the lesson out of the gospel was the annunciation to Mary that she's about to have this kid with God; isn't it great?! (say "Yes," Mary. It's the thing you've always wanted to do!) The focus of the reading was on Mary as was much of the music at the service. But, given the dream I'd had, the line that leaped out and zapped me was:
"For nothing will be impossible with God".
The angel Gabriel says this after having told Mary, "Congratulations! You're going to have the Most High Son of David! And that barren cousin of yours, Elizabeth, well....she ain't barren no more!" Pretty freakin' amazing stuff. Just as amazing as standing in a circle and fighting off a tempter by simply seeking out God. I think it is in those moments of feeling knocked around by life, or when the world waps you upside the head, that God steps into the breech. I have no idea what Mary thought of this angel Gabriel and his amazing message. From the account in Luke, she's merely puzzled and then submits as a servant of God in the same way others had in the Old Testament (the words "Here I am" are the 'correct' answer when God comes a-knockin' at the door!) One could speculate that this poor, lowly, unwed teenager in Nazareth (which seems to carry the stigma of Newark) would have been more than "perplexed" by Gabriel. But we just don't know.
What we do know is in a moment where she might have wanted to run and hide, she stood in her own proverbial circle and said, "Here I am". And from there....we of Christian belief...know what happened.
I don't know what's happening in any of your lives at the moment, but consider what is possible if you invite God to be part of your day-to-day existence. Because, with God, nothing is impossible.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's Not "Just A Prayer"
I, like many others in the LGBT community, are very disturbed and disappointed with this selection. Integrity President Susan Russell says:
“Rick Warren has become a recognizable pop culture religious voice but he is not qualified to be ‘America’s pastor,’” said Integrity President Susan Russell. “Warren is a not only a vocal opponent of LGBT equality who does not believe in evolution, he has compared abortion to the Holocaust and backed the assassination of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. His views are far outside the religious mainstream and his credentials are steeped in an “Old Time Religion” of narrow exclusionism that ill prepares us for the challenges of the 21st century.”“This unfortunate choice is particularly painful to LGBT Americans who have experienced first-hand the destructive impact of pastors like Warren who preach “family values” while practicing discrimination against gay and lesbian families. But it should also be a cause for concern to any American concerned that the exclusionism represented by Rick Warren is antithetical to the President-elect’s core values of inclusion, tolerance and the celebration of difference.”
Over at SisterFriends-Together, Anita Cadonau-Huseby further explains some of the fury about this selection.
But what I have found even more disturbing than just the fact that I'm going to be asked to pray along with someone who does not believe that I have a place in the body of Christ is that, because I expressed disappointment in Obama's decision, I have received an email telling me to "toughen up and not be judgmental". Friends have expressed via Facebook that the gay community's outrage is out-of-place and give the guy (Obama) a chance. And that maybe what Barack Obama is doing is a brilliant political tactic. Besides, Joseph Lowery will be delivering the benediction, and he's pro-gay marriage.
I guess what my friends, and others, do not understand is that this is not a balance one-side vs. the-other kind of thing. Why should we have to balance any of it? And why must the balancing act occur on the backs of the gay community yet again? Why must the President-elect, in an effort to show that we're all one nation under God, ask a man who has been outspoken in his disdain for gay relationships to bring us together to pray for this presidency and our nation.
One person said to me, "It's just a prayer". Yeah, it's just a prayer. And I'm just one voice in the wilderness trying to dispell the myth that "Christians hate queers". Making Rev. Rick Warren the face of Christianity at an historic occassion doesn't help.
Sorry, if it's "just a prayer", than that just tells me this was a cynical political move. How sad is that?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thought of the Hour
I read this passage after scrolling through an online article from Newsweek in which two biblical scholars address the firestorm raised by the cover story the magazine ran on a religious argument FOR allowing gays to marry. By the time I finished, I felt that we were no more closer to resolving the fears of the Southern Baptists and other biblical literalists than before. In fact, it seems some of them are sadly very entrenched in their thinking, so much so that they can say they don't think homosexuality is a "choice", but they don't have to accept people as homosexual and encourage them to change. That is scary.
So, the above passage assigned for Christmas Day is a refreshing reminder of the broader picture that is God: we are all part of the body of Christ because Christ poured out his spirit on us. And "us" includes the "me" and the "you" and the "them". If we can strive toward that, I believe, we are striving toward God.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Back From 'Bama
Yes, I would be seeing my mentor, her husband, and their animals.
Yes, I would be taken for an overnight trip up to Sewanee.
Yes, I would get to see this new church where she is interim rector.
Still...northern Alabama?
It didn't help that some of my friends were also less than enthused that I was taking this trip. I was warned about the still active KKK in some areas. I was told that it is "NASCAR country" (code for "Homo, Go Home" attitudes). I was encouraged to wear a wig to hide my crew cut. And it didn't help that the forecast for the afternoon when I was leaving was for possible snow.
But I wanted to make this trip. I have been missing the invisible slingshot Mtr. Lee carried into the pulpit with her that she would secretly pull out, carefully aim it at my head, and then--ping--"Nailed the dyke with the crew cut in Pew Thirteen!" (Of course, she wasn't really aiming at me, but sometimes it sure felt like it!) And, nerves or not, I refuse to continue living life in fear that someone might object to the essence of my being, and let that fear keep me from seeing this place where my mentor now lives and is pinging new victims in the forehead.
So, off I went.
There was no snow. And my hosts didn't leave me abandoned on the roadside to fend for myself. In fact, I was treated quite graciously. And their dogs couldn't get enough petting from a trained petter (aka Licensed Massage Therapist).
But one of the transformative moments for me was the visit to Grace Church in Anniston.
I knew Mtr. Lee was going to be busy (Third Sunday in Advent and Bishop Henry Parsley would be there to do baptisms and confirmations). Lee would be preaching at 8am; the Bishop at 10:30. Her husband, Tom, and I attended 8am. I couldn't believe how many people were there! Most early services draw pretty small crowds, but this one must have had about 60 people. And they were friendly! Really, friendly. Even with me wearing a gay pride rainbow wrist band, these folks were anxious to introduce themselves to me. Tom and I spent a little time in the parish hall after the service before he went home. And then I was on my own with these strangers, a stranger in their midst.
I am a very quiet and reserved person, not prone to extend myself to people I don't know. So I understand people who don't make efforts to talk to somebody like me.
But the people of Grace Church would have none of that! Just when I thought that I would find a place away from everybody else, and remain quiet and fade into the woodwork, a woman reached out to stop me and invited me to sit with her and her friends. Before I knew it, I had been introduced to almost half the choir! Another woman joined the conversation, and soon I was laughing and felt very included...almost this church. Folks wanted to make sure I sampled some of the breakfast food, and had a cup of coffee. And as they found out that I was a visitor from Tallahassee coming from the church where Mtr. Lee had been before, they were delighted and even more welcoming, making sure that I knew how much they loved her as their interim.
"Yes, you're lucky to have her. We'd love to have her back in Tallahassee!"
"Oh, no, you can't have her!", which would start another round of laughter.
By the time I was heading home, I had a good feeling all over. And another example of the dangers of prejudging people and places was put before my eyes. I had been worried that I was going to be viewed with suspicion. I was going to be made to feel like an outcast. My "otherness" held up as a reason to turn away from me. All creations in my own head of what I believe is happening when people don't approach this quiet, reserved one. Instead, I felt embraced and wasn't going to be allowed to go melt into the woodwork.
And this in a church in northern Alabama.
Thanks be to God.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I'm Off to See the Blizzard
I'm supposed to depart for northern Alabama this afternoon to visit my mentor and her husband. I'm watching the weather forecast, and trying to weigh the wisdom of leaving today, or delaying my departure for very early tomorrow morning.
Regardless, I will be absent from the blogosphere during the weekend. Y'all have fun!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Day Without Me
What if I had never been born?
Just like in the movie, the relationships and bonds that I have formed with my immediate family…and some critical events in the timeline of all those I’ve known would be greatly altered. My family would likely have been just my three older brothers and my parents. And, probably, my folks would never have become sensitive to the needs of the LGBT community because they wouldn’t have had a lesbian as their youngest child. PFLAG would never have gotten a hold of Peggy and harnessed her energy to do battle with the Republican members of Congress, pushing them to break ranks with their party and “do the right thing” time and time again for gay people.
But beyond just thinking about what the world would have been like without me, think about what the world would be like without any gay person? Who would deliver mail, make bank transactions, take care of our pets at the animal hospitals, report the news, give massages, deliver meals on wheels, teach our children…you see where I’m going with this.
Contemplate this idea as you go through the next 24 hours, and realize that for December 10, 2008, a number of your gay and lesbian and bisexual and transgendered neighbors will be pulling a George Bailly on society and not showing up…not at work or school or at the coffee shops or the malls. It’s called “A Day Without A Gay Day”, a nationwide “sick-in”. Instead of spending or earning money, and contributing to the economy of a country that voted in four separate states to make gay people into second-class citizens, gays and our allies will pretend that we never existed by calling in “sick”. However, on a slight variation of Frank Capra’s hero, we won’t just “not exist”. Many of us are volunteering, wearing our pride T-shirts and donning white ribbons tied in a knot to signify our grief at the loss of marriage rights.
It’s all part of removing the veil that has hidden our community’s real contributions to society for far too long!
I am closing my business for the day, and am collecting up a box of clothing to take to Grace Mission for the homeless and poor who congregate there. May my queer Christianity guide me through the day.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Advent Reflections
Whose day is near.
Wait for the Lord,
keep watch, take heart.
--Taize chant
During Advent, the above chant becomes one of the "ever-present" tunes in my brain. The music is hauntingly beautiful...but, as with many songs, what pulls me in deeper are the lyrics (I'm a writer and, yes, words do matter to me). And I think these lyrics are the perfect reflection for Advent...a season of taking time to slow down, observe what is watching the gathering clouds of a rainstorm moving over the plains....
"Do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance."--2 Peter 3: 8-9
Often times during this month of December, the urge, both internally with our own pressures and externally with incessant commercials, is to rush around trying to get all the shopping done, gifts wrapped, get to every holiday party invitation, and put the Christmas cards in the mail. Most Decembers, I feel as though I'm on speed or some other kind of hyperactive upper drug, and it's rush, rush, rush to accomplish everything before 6pm December 24th! And, just as if I were speeding, I crash...sometimes landing in a depression that I can't explain because somehow I feel weirdly unfulfilled by the whole holiday experience. So, this time around, I am doing something "hippie-like": I'm going back to my roots, to the simple idea of what these weeks before Christmas (y'know...Advent!) are supposed to be about...
"A voice cries out: 'In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken."--Isaiah 40: 3-5
For me, the preparation isn't about the excessive spending, and shouldn't be about running myself ragged. It should be the opposite: the preparation should be about slowing down and becoming more mindful of what sometimes feels like "The Season of God" stretching from The First Sunday of Advent right through Pentecost. "Advent" is the beginning of what can be a remarkable learning and growing in relationship with God....if we just slow down and allow for God to level our mountains...and smooth out our rough places. As part of my faith journey, I have discovered that if I don't turn away, but instead allow God into my life, into my heart, I am changed. I am not as anxious about unknown "things" and I am discovering more and more how to balance a healthy amount of anxiety vs. outright fear. And I am continually changing as I slow down, pay attention to the Liturgy of the Word and prayers in the prayer book, and stick with this bizarre trip that I find myself on.
"Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good tidings; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good tidings, lift it up, do not fear; say to the cities of Judah, "Here is your God!" "--Isaiah 40:9
There is joy, and anticipation, in the approaching holiday...and the preparations for such can also be as joyous. I think this time is meant to be enjoyed in each day, in each candle that gets lit as we Christians prepare for God's presence in our lives, and reflect upon the story of God's love for us that comes into the world through his incarnation as Jesus. As John the Baptist notes in the Gospel of Mark, "The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
Advent to Christmas to Lent to Easter to Pentecost. What a great opportunity to get to know God in a personal way! Savor the moments.
Friday, December 5, 2008
A Year of Remarkable Change
And really...that's the end of my discussion on those least for this entry.
Instead, I am reflective this evening on my anniversary of ONE year of blogging. Truthfully, I hit and ran past the anniversary yesterday...putting up two posts without ever slowing down to think: whoa! I have written (or at least taken the time to post) 162 entries since Dec. 4, 2007. That is the most writing for public consumption that I've done since I announced my resignation from Florida Public Radio on the air in March 2002! At the time, I never believed I would "commit journalism" again. And while I don't see my blogging as adhering to the same rules of "objectivity" that governed my reporting, I have tried to keep my musings from turning into screeching rants about the "right-wingers" in the Episcopal Church. Well, at least, I have tried not to screech....
And this blog has allowed me the time and space to explore and discuss my faith in God, and how I try to "go forth in peace to love and serve the Lord" every day. It isn't easy, and the discoveries through Scripture of what all that entails to serve God in "unity, constancy and peace" reminds me that to truly "take up my cross and follow Jesus" is not for the wimpy. On some days, I do a better job than on others. And regardless for how many times I stumble, I know that God is OK with the stumbling. God's delight seems to be that I'm even trying at all!
So, as a way of celebrating this anniversary, I direct y'all back to my very first entry: The First Wake Up Call. It's a bit of a spiritual autobiography that fills in more details than what's in the "Blogger Profile" section. Enjoy, and come back! I'll have more "theological reflection" in some future posts!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pope: No Christmas for Gays
Dignity Canada Dignitéinfo@dignitycanada.org
Time Magazine, Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2008
The Pope's Christmas Gift: A Tough Line on Church Doctrine
By Jeff Israely
Those nicknames from the past — God's Rottweiler, the Panzercardinal — don't seem to stick anymore. After acquiring a reputation as an aggressive, doctrine-enforcing Cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI has surprised many with his gentle manner and his writings on Christian love. But with the Christmas season upon us, there is growing proof that the 82-year-old Pope is also quite willing to play the part of Scrooge to defend his often rigid view of Church doctrine.
Benedict's envoy to the United Nations, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, has announced that the Vatican will oppose a proposed U.N. declaration calling for an end to discrimination against homosexuals. At first blush, no one should be surprised to find the Catholic Church hierarchy butting heads with gay rights activists. But this particular French-sponsored proposal, which has the backing of all 27 European Union countries, calls for an end to the practice of criminalizing and punishing people for their sexual orientation. Most dramatically, in some countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, homosexuality can be punished by death.
Papal spokesman Father Federico Lombardi was forced to clarify that the Vatican continues to condemn the use of the death penalty for any crime, including those associated with homosexuality. Instead, Migliore said the Vatican's opposition to the U.N. proposal was driven by concern that countries that prohibit gay marriage would somehow be targeted. Said Migliore: "Countries that don't recognize the union between people of the same sex as marriage will be punished and pressured."
The U.N. declaration does not in fact mention gay marriage, and most of the nations that support it themselves don't allow people of the same sex to wed. Archbishop Migliore confirmed on Tuesday that the Vatican had also refused to sign a U.N. document last May in support of the rights of the disabled because it did not include condemnation of abortion, and the rights the fetus with birth defects. Vatican officials nevertheless voiced support for the central principles of the disabled rights document, which Migliore helped craft before the final decision to withhold the Holy See’s signature.
The Italian gay rights association Arcigay says the Vatican's opposition to the anti-discriminatory measure is "unprecedented," and the citing of gay marriage is an "excuse" to distract people from the real intent of criminalizing gays. One Rome-based priest was disappointed that the Vatican decided to publicize its opposition to what appears a rather innocuous declaration. "When you're always trying to look for new ways to make your point, you lose credibility," says the priest. "Better sometimes to keep quiet."
Benedict has said repeatedly that the Church is forced to speak out against the tide of secularization, especially in Catholicism's home turf in Europe. His kindly manner notwithstanding, Benedict does not seem to hesitate doing or saying what he deems necessary to keep Catholicism from straying too far from its doctrinal tradition.
And that includes revisiting the Catholic liturgy if necessary. His top Vatican deputies are now studying a change to the mass that would affect the moment when members of the congregation are asked to greet each other with a "sign of peace." Worshippers then exchange handshakes, or sometimes a hug or kiss. In 2007, writing about the exchanging of the peace, Benedict called for "greater restraint in this gesture which can become exaggerated and cause a certain distraction in the assembly before the reception of Communion." It may now be moved earlier in the service. Cardinal Francis Arinze, head of the Vatican's liturgical office, said last month that the affectionate gesture is often misunderstood. "It is thought to be a chance to shake hands with friends. Instead it is a way to tell those nearby that the peace of Christ, really present on the altar, is also with all."
Though there is no indication if or when the proposed movement of the peace would happen, this change would respond to a desire by the Pope to rein in some of the excesses that he sees in the ways the faith is currently celebrated. And to those who wonder why not just let everyone to say 'peace' when and where they please for Christmases to come, one can imagine Benedict flashing that gentle smile, tilting his head ever so slightly and declaring: Bah Humbug!
Make A Joyful Noise
It may seem a bit strange to write an entry about the sign outside the church that I attend. Afterall, it's not like there is anything remarkable about the signage: it has the shield with its histrorical crosses of both St. George (England) and St. Andrew (Scotland). The sign tells the onlooker what time they can expect to see a bunch of Episcopalians at "pew aerobics" on Sunday.
Really, there's nothing THAT special about the signage at St. John's....
Except that there is no longer an eagle, no more crown. Not only has Evil(aka Fr. Eric Dudley) left the building, his tyrannical symbolism is also gone.
Still, like a roaring lion, Evil is lurking about on the pages of the Tallahassee Magazine. A recent fluff piece doing a 30-year-retrospective on religious life in our fair city noted the split in 2005 in which Evil and his ilk moved northward up the road from St. John's to start St. Peter's Anglican Church. In a fine demostration of no journalism skills whatsoever, the magazine talked only to Evil. And Evil took the opportunity to promote himself and his church as the "True Anglican" church....because they "wear vestments, kneel in prayer, use prayer books and the Eucharist is the center of the service."
Gee....sounds an awful lot like the church services I've been attending the past year in the "True Episcopal" church! A church where ALL people are welcome to come together and celebrate God (this was definitely not true of Evil, who was wailing and gnashing his teeth over the election and consecration of Gene Robinson as Bishop of NH on a fairly regular basis).
Things are far from perfect in the world of the Red and Blue books. But I celebrate our new outward and visible sign on Monroe and Call Streets as proof of the inward and spiritual grace that is growing within that congregation.
May God's presence be always with us there to open our eyes, ears and hearts to each other in the spirit of God.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Kingdom is at hand...and yet still far away
The church would normally recognize St. Andrew today. However, the recommended readings for World AIDS Day are as follows:
Psalm 122:
A Song of Ascents. Of David.
1I was glad when they said to me,
‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’
2Our feet are standing
within your gates, O Jerusalem.
3Jerusalem—built as a city
that is bound firmly together.
4To it the tribes go up,
the tribes of the Lord,as was decreed for Israel,
to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
5For there the thrones for judgement were set up,
the thrones of the house of David.
6Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
‘May they prosper who love you.
7Peace be within your walls,
and security within your towers.’
8For the sake of my relatives and friends
I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’
9For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your good.
Paul's Letter to the Colossians
For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s* will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled* you* to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.*
--Col. 1: 9-14
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Promises, Promises
N.Y. Democrats May Skip Gay Marriage Vote
Published: November 28, 2008
ALBANY — After a pledge from New York Democratic leaders that their party would legalize same-sex marriage if they won control of the State Senate this year, money from gay rights supporters poured in from across the country, helping cinch a Democratic victory.
But now, party leaders have sent strong signals that they may not take up the issue during the 2009 legislative session. Some of them suggest it may be wise to wait until 2011 before considering it, in hopes that Democrats can pick up more Senate seats and Gov. David A. Paterson, a strong backer of gay rights, would then be safely into a second term.
The full article can be accessed here.
Just a word of warning to the New York State Democratic Party: if you do this, you will guarantee your certain destruction in the next election. Do not underestimate the ire that has been raised in the LGBT community post-November 4th. If you made a pledge to our community that you would fight for this right, you need to do as you said, particularly if you courted our votes and counted our cash in your campaign coffers. Lip service isn't going to cut it any more.
A similar circumstance occurred with the African-American community in Florida. Democrats, who had long taken the black vote for granted, were denying black leaders within the party a place at the top of the ladder in the state legislature. And the Republicans, crafty bunch that they are, seized the opportunity. They gained control through the redistricting process, and set about passing legislation that had long been stalled under good ol' boy Democrats, and did much to woo blacks into supporting Jeb! Bush. In 2002, the Democratic candidate for Governor was scheduled to be on several black radio talk shows on Election Day. But Bill McBride decided he wanted to sleep in rather than make one final push to persuade blacks to vote for him. And we had Jeb! for another four years!
So yeah, go ahead: break your campaign promise. I'm sure all the anti-gay bigots will be ready to fund your campaigns next time....NOT.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Step Toward Forward-Thinking in Florida
The state says it will appeal the ruling. I wonder if the state plans to bring back their cracker jack crackpot "experts" to help them build their case on appeal?
Food for Thought
So, in this post-election world in which one form of bigotry is still alive and well in the United States, a few notable things have happened.
1.David Caton, aka my favorite homophobe, of the American Family Association of Florida seems to be the first one out-of-the-box to say he’s ready to challenge a municipal domestic partnership policy in light of the passage of Amendment Two. Only took ‘em two weeks, folks!
2. Dan Wentzel of the Washington Post reported a city bus driver in Los Angeles boldly, proudly, and out loudly called those rallying at the Join the Impact rally in LA “Sodomites!” Wentzel responded with telling the driver, “I’m one of those sodomites!” And he reported the driver to the transit authority.
3. Sodom and Gomorrah has been a popular theme in the past for homophobes, but has seemingly regained usage in the wake of all the anti-gay votes. According to the blog “Stone of Witness”, the ill-fated biblical cities came up on the floor of the Diocesan Convention in central New York state. And not to discuss the proper way to treat a stranger, but to vilify the LGBT community.

This photo is one I took circa 1992 Tallahassee, FL. I guess they considered themselves the UNwelcoming party for our gay pride celebration that year!
Still…I marvel at the amazing story out of the Diocesan Convention in Missouri. As one who lived in Columbia, MO, for four years to attend college and was a congregant at Calvary Episcopal Church, I am so grateful that the DC is on record as supportive of full-inclusion of LGBT people. And to have such an overwhelming vote even after so much apparent negative venting about gays says something to me about the power of God. It kind of reminds me of the story of Balak and Balaam, in which Balak wants Balaam to curse the Israelites…and instead of a curse, the words that come out of Balaam’s mouth are a blessing.
I have been quite amazed with the haughtiness of the homophobes, the boldness of their speech. For people who claim to have Christ on their side, they aren’t paying close attention to what happens to those who persecute another. Hint: it isn’t pretty. Think about it the next time you want to call me “Sodomite” or “Bulldyke” or any other countless names I’ve been called over the years. Your words will come back on you.
“For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with great compassion I will gather you. In overflowing wrath for a moment I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you, says the Lord, your Redeemer.” –Isaiah 54: 7-8
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sheeps and Goats and Gays and Votes

As for you, my flock, thus says the Lord GOD: I shall judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and goats.
Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD to them: I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. Because you pushed with flank and shoulder, and butted at all the weak animals with your horns until you scattered them far and wide, I will save my flock, and they shall no longer be ravaged; and I will judge between sheep and sheep. --Ezekiel 34: 15-17; 20-22
Friday, November 21, 2008
And the Beat Goes On...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Incarnational Encounters
This is one of those nagging questions that run through my head in the course of an average day. That, and a couple of hymns, or fractional anthems. My mind travels down such strange pathways that I often wonder if "My thoughts are not my thoughts, but somebody's idea of an ironic wordplay to keep my head spinning."
Back to my reflexive question. The phrase that comes back to me as the answer is one that I heard Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori use during one of her webcasts. She spoke of the importance of "incarnational encounters." Of course, this is in reference to gay and lesbian people...and that's where I'm headed with this. If people who are LGBT would come out, in a simple and matter-of-fact way, I think hateful legislation such as the anti-marriage amendments, and the Arkansas adoption law, would go down in defeat. If more people understood...through knowing somebody who is gay or knowing a gay couple...that the amendments on the ballots were meant to do harm to the gay community, I am about 80-percent sure they'd have voted against it. I'm leaving the 20-percent for those who are the hard-core opponents, the ones who know a lesbian, like their lesbian friend, might even have her over for dinner, drinks and football....and would have still voted "Yes" because of a strange attachment to the word "marriage". There's no way to have a dialogue with the hard-core because they are so certain of how right they are.
But the 80-percent...and I do think it's that many...are the reachable ones. The ones who have the ability to see the humanity of another. And who are able to recognize that a person who has a different sexual orientation than their own is first and foremost a person, not simply a sex act. I wonder how many of that 80-percent are aware of the consequences of the votes taken on "same-sex marriage" in Florida, California and Arizona? My guess is that many of them didn't think about it. And it's not because they hate gay people. It's because this isn't an issue that rises to the top of their consciousness because it doesn't effect them personally. But what if they had been made to see the inherent wrongness of voting to limit the rights of Bill, or Karen, or Tanya who was Tony?
And the only way I can see to make the majority more aware is for us "others" to claim our identity as LGBT people and be out. If we live our lives openly with the grace and love that is within us, minds and hearts will start to change. If we make contributions to our communities, be it the neighborhoods where we live, the religious institution we attend, or the shelters that are housing "the least and the lowest" among us and we do so not hiding our orientation, we will start to shed some light onto the dark descriptions our opponents put out there about who we are. Baby steps such as this will lead to greater distances gained in the long run. If fear of the unknown is what motivates people to vote "Yes" on a Prop. 8 or Amendment 2...then let them know who that "unknown" is!
Get involved. And don't hide your rainbow light under a bushel, but instead let it burn bright. Perhaps its brightness may pierce through the fog in which the majority seem to wander and make them see that this world HAS to change.
Captions Sought For Rally Photo
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Look At All These Equal People!
The "Join the Impact Tallahassee" rally started out in front of Florida State University's Westcott Building, where we "others" were interspersed amidst all the happy Homecoming Seminole fans. It was quite fun watching the football junkies observing this gathering of...ummm....people holding signs that don't exactly say, "Go 'Noles". In the photo to the left, a heterosexual couple is posing in front of the Westcott the queer couples mingle to talk politics....and in some cases greet friends they hadn't seen in years, and meet folks who traveled from outlining counties and south Georgia.
The members of the Mickee Faust Club turned out in force, both straight and gay. Give us a chance to be loud and colorful and we're not going to shy away. Give us a chance to make a political statement, damn right we'll do it!
Sam, the Second Class Citizen, was with me in the shepherding role (I knew there was a reason I insisted on being a shepherd in the Christmas pageants as a child!) Our job as marshalls was to keep people moving along on the sidewalks and helping to get folks safely across intersections. We had a help for some of the parade route from an FSU police officer on a motorcycle. Without us asking, without any expectation of kindness from this man, he rode his motorcycle, with his flashing lights on, into some of the streets where crossing would be a little more difficult to help us get across. Once we reached the edge of the "campus jurisdiction", he told us, "You're on your own from here!" Many thumbs up to that man. Only fifty years the days of the Johns FSU officer would have been calling in back ups to have us all arrested!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Come March with Me
Do I have to be gay to care about this issue? No! Absolutely not. And I don't want to be rude, but that's like asking if you need to be a dog to care about animal rights. And if y

Of course, today those same liars and thieves of Christianity say they don't "hate" gay people; the same way they don't "hate" murderers, adulterers, and robbers.
Gee, thanks!
If you come to the rally, be sure to pick up after yourself, and treat everyone and everything with respect. Our fight isn't with the flower beds in front of the old state capitol. Our struggle is to get the four million plus Floridians who voted "Yes" on 2 to consider the human consequences of their action, and to start the ball rolling toward a better day for ALL people in the state of Florida. See ya there!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thank God for the Reformation!
COLUMBIA, S.C. – A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion, and supporting him "constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil."
The Rev. Jay Scott Newman said in a letter distributed Sunday to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville that they are putting their souls at risk if they take Holy Communion before doing penance for their vote.
"Our nation has chosen for its chief executive the most radical pro-abortion politician ever to serve in the United States Senate or to run for president," Newman wrote, referring to Obama by his full name, including his middle name of Hussein.
"Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exists constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ's Church and under the judgment of divine law. Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation."
During the 2008 presidential campaign, many bishops spoke out on abortion more boldly than four years earlier, telling Catholic politicians and voters that the issue should be the most important consideration in setting policy and deciding which candidate to back. A few church leaders said parishioners risked their immortal soul by voting for candidates who support abortion rights.
But bishops differ on whether Catholic lawmakers — and voters — should refrain from receiving Communion if they diverge from church teaching on abortion. Each bishop sets policy in his own diocese. In their annual fall meeting, the nation's Catholic bishops vowed Tuesday to forcefully confront the Obama administration over its support for abortion rights.
According to national exit polls, 54 percent of Catholics chose Obama, who is Protestant. In South Carolina, which McCain carried, voters in Greenville County — traditionally seen as among the state's most conservative areas — went 61 percent for the Republican, and 37 percent for Obama.
"It was not an attempt to make a partisan point," Newman said in a telephone interview Thursday. "In fact, in this election, for the sake of argument, if the Republican candidate had been pro-abortion, and the Democratic candidate had been pro-life, everything that I wrote would have been exactly the same."
Conservative Catholics criticized Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry in 2004 for supporting abortion rights, with a few Catholic bishops saying Kerry should refrain from receiving Holy Communion because his views were contrary to church teachings.
Sister Mary Ann Walsh, spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said she had not heard of other churches taking this position in reaction to Obama's win. A Boston-based group that supports Catholic Democrats questioned the move, saying it was too extreme.
"Father Newman is off base," said Steve Krueger, national director of Catholic Democrats. "He is acting beyond the authority of a parish priest to say what he did. ... Unfortunately, he is doing so in a manner that will be of great cost to those parishioners who did vote for Sens. Obama and Biden. There will be a spiritual cost to them for his words."
A man who has attended St. Mary's for 18 years said he welcomed Newman's message and anticipated it would inspire further discussion at the church.
"I don't understand anyone who would call themselves a Christian, let alone a Catholic, and could vote for someone who's a pro-abortion candidate," said Ted Kelly, 64, who volunteers his time as lector for the church. "You're talking about the murder of innocent beings."
Oh, Henry VIII: you were a bastard in so many ways. But at least you had the wisdom...and the want your own Church separate from Rome!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Turning Good Friday into Easter
I want resurrection of my soul, and a restoring of justice to the world. And that's why I'm channeling my energy toward raising a ruckus on Saturday. One big ol' temper tantrum. One long, hard cry for mercy. One more chance to release myself from the bitter taste this has left in my mouth. Truth is, the acuteness of the pain is wearing off. Now I'm just aware of how wrong it is to allow a majority to vote on an amendment that has profound and far-reaching language to oppress a minority.
Again, I am reminded of the story of the Syrophoenician woman in Mark's gospel where Jesus initially refuses to help a woman of "other" status when she asks him to use his gifts to heal her daughter. His immediate response is to tell her his gifts were meant for the children of Israel, and not the dogs. And her reaction was to go all New Jersey on him and remind him that it is the dogs who eat the crumbs under the table of Israel's children. And Jesus does a 180, praises her for her faith, and sends her home to her healed daughter.
One interpretation of this could be that Jesus was testing this woman's faith with his reluctance to help her. But, as one who so often sees the world through my eyes as an "other", I think of this as a moment where the human Jesus is schooled into understanding that the gifts belong to the many, and not just "the chosen". Imagine if the apostles had never taken the good news anywhere but within the temples? What if Paul hadn't had his moment of "seeing the light" as it were, and becoming a man on a mission to bring the message of God as expressed through Jesus to the Gentiles?
I'm asking now for those who think that marriage should be for "one man and one woman only" to consider what the benefit is to society to keep this "gift" to themselves. How have you really helped children, especially the foster children of Arkansas, to be raised in a loving household? Do you really believe that marriages of convenience or appearance or default are helping to strengthen the "institution of marriage" and keep it "sanctified"? To paraphrase MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann, "What are you thinking?!"
Again, when I consider the road ahead for me and my queer brothers and sisters, I know that we have a difficult path to walk. But I look to the prophets of the Old Testament, and I look to Christ, and I know that while many have faced huge obstacles, they leaned on their faith, pushed on through, and kept going. And just like Moses, just like Christ, just like Paul, just like Philip....there is also the hope that when us "others" start showing up, and saying, "Me, too!", the reward does come, and God's will is done...on earth as it is heaven.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Join The Impact and Fight for Rights
All across the nation, we're gathering in communities big and small to organize and rally and make some noise to say we're dissed, we're pissed, and voting on the rights of a minority group is WRONG.
Go to and find your state and city to take part in this protest.
In Tallahassee, FL, we're gathering at the Westcott Building at FSU on Saturday, November 15th at noon. There will be a march toward the Capitol building with a rally in front of the old state capitol at 12:30pm.
This is part of the nationwide Join the Impact protest.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tit for Tat
Sunday, November 9, 2008
And This is Why I Keep Coming Back
Perhaps this Psalm...Psalm 70 which is the one we used at St. John's this morning...can give you some insight. For your benefit, I will give a play-by-play of my internal and external response to these words. The refrain is below...for those who want to sing along...
and altogther dismayed;.Let those
draw back and be disgraced.
3Let those who say, ‘Aha!’ and gloat over me