The ad also sends a message to those crafting and clinging to the Anglican Covenant.. when it notes that, "Lay people exercise a vital role in the governance and ministry of our church." Not bishops only: laity=vital role. Sorry: it's not a purple shirts only club!
I wonder if USA Today has kiosks outside of Lambeth Palace or in Vatican City? Probably best that they not read such stuff coming out of us uppity Yanks with our "respect the dignity of all people" garbage. What sort of hippy-dippy flower child came up with THAT language?
It is timely for the Church to prepare this kind of publicity for all parishes and dioceses to use in their local media. Especially at this time of realignments, papal invites to whole dioceses, and announcements from disaffected ELCA members that are so angered by the Lutherans decision to accept LGBT clergy that--guess what-- they're going to break away and start another Evangelical Lutheran Church where they tell everyone that gay people are icky, gross and have cooties.
Has it ever occurred to any of these schismatics how absurd it is to start a church based on who you want to keep OUT?
Oh, by the way, if you didn't get the Friday USA Today, don't worry: The Friday edition stays on the stands all weekend, so there is PLENTY of opportunity for people to buy, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest page 9A!
Or they can go to the Market at St. John's and see the ad posted in a number of prominent places, and places where they can pick up a copy of the ad to study at home!
I think it's fantastic that you did that, Phoebe! Next, let's download the ad and have the Episcopal Churches buy space in some publications (Branching Out, for instance...)
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