Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Uganda Update: Finally!

A report on the Episcopal News Service website indicates that the Church's Executive Council will hold a teleconference meeting to respond to the urgent human rights issue involving the Ugandan government's proposal to pass "Anti-Homosexuality" legislation. The Council is made up of laity, clergy and bishops. Normally, the group only meets three to four times a year, but the Presiding Bishop can always call a special meeting. That would be the case here.

Officially, it seems the Episcopal Church has taken the position of taking no position on the legislation; hence this meeting. The Church HQ is advising people when they call about the horror show in Uganda to contact their elected representatives and tell them they want the State Department to take action. I agree: we should have Secretary Clinton's voice in on the outcry over this brutality of LGBT Ugandans. AND our Church should also take a position that sentencing people to life in prison for being gay or jailing them for supporting gay rights is a violation of human rights. Does the Church not see the injustice? Does the Church not understand that the dignity of every human being is at stake here? Was the Church this skittish about speaking out against Hitler and his attempts to wipe out the Jews? (I really don't think I want to hear the answer to that!)

I'll give them credit: they're at least finally going to teleconference on this issue... once they're done giving thanks to God on Thursday that they don't live under such threat of violence in their own lives.


fr dougal said...

The Church was very bland and mealy mouthed about speaking out agin Hitler: only 2 CofE bishops did much - George Bell of Chichester who was worthy but no firebrand and one of my heroes, Hensley Henson, Bishop of Durham (Tory, Liberal theologian, recovering Anglo-Catholic and gadfly!). The sheer sluggishness of the Church's response is dispiriting.

SCG said...

The sheer sluggishness of the Church's response is dispiriting.
