Thursday, June 10, 2010

Late to the Party

And so it has begun. The Archbishop of Canterbury with the help of his Secretary General has set the wheel in motion to hook up the Episcopal Church to the back of the pick-up truck and take us for a drag through the mud. Others have written more expertly on this topic, most especially Fr. Mark Harris at PRELUDIUM. I have lost interest in Pope Rowan I, our Presiding Bishop has decided she is no longer amused by his "new Pentecost", and the Canadians seem to be siding with us in this latest round of "Let's Make God in Our Image".
The ABC has decided that including us makes things too messy. We aren't going to be allowed to sit at the adult table anymore because we believe that God calls all kinds of people into service, and that's just childish, isn't it?
Pope Rowan I knows what God likes. He knows what God wants. And he knows that any church that allows women and gays to don the purple shirts is not anybody he wants to be forced to sit with at the table.
Because that's what God's all about, right? Exclusion? Wrong!
I have said it over and over: there is nothing, NOTHING, in the Bible that should lead a person who is seeking God to believe that they are not worthy of being found.
Archbishop's letter and subsequent follow up from the Secretary General: another cancer cell in the Body of Christ.

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