Monday, January 11, 2010

Extraordinary Time

The other day, my mom left me message to tell me, among other things, that her rector had said something about being in 'ordinary' time, now that we're done with Christmas. I found this to be odd. 'Ordinary' time I associate with mostly the time after Pentecost. A time I think of "And now... the rest of the year."

To me, these days are Extraordinary time. It really can't be anything but "over-the-top" because, as we sang in church yesterday... the Divine that we worship and offer all our praise is "God made man in manifest". And now that God is in the world, the world is in for a ride. Grip the bar in front of you, people... this God is on the loose and ready to rock your world. Preconceived ideas about "how things are" or "how things ought to be", I have found, get tossed aside if we keep ourselves open to where the Spirit is going to guide us.

Mind you, I don't think you're just going to get blown every which way. That would make you a snowflake. But during "extraordinary time" we are going to get to meet this God on earth... not only through the Scripture readings with the many miracles and such, but if we can allow ourselves to see beyond our own noses... we may encounter several incarnations of God's amazing love in our own lives. Be ready for that, and take it as a sign that you matter. In an extraordinary way.


Anonymous said...

And as I said in the discussions before the service on Sunday, he agreed that it gave us all to worship God made manifest in extraordinary ways, so don't worry it'll be fine.


Phoebe said...

At devotion last night we heard about a dying Christian man who greeted all his visitors.. I know who sent you, (Jesus) you look like him.. "God in man made manifest" Jesus lives within us.. We are all part of the incarnation.