Y'know, besides death and taxes, you can always count on Pat Robertson saying something truly outrageous and stupid!
This man who, along with his whacky fundy weirdo friend the late Jerry Falwell, maintained that gay people, feminists, Wiccans and "abortionists", were the cause of the attacks on September 11th, now says the Haitian people are to blame for the earthquake that has killed at least a 100,000 citizens. How's that? Well, according to Robinson, it was that "deal with the devil".
Here's what he said on his "700 Club" TV show today:
Here's what he said on his "700 Club" TV show today:
"They were under the heel of the French, you know Napoleon the third and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said 'We will serve you if you will get us free from the prince.' True story. And so the devil said, 'Ok it’s a deal.' And they kicked the French out. The Haitians revolted and got something themselves free. But ever since they have been cursed by one thing after another," Robertson said.
What an idiot!! I pray that, some day, Pat Robertson will shut up.
And I offer up more prayers to those in Haiti, their families abroad, and the relief workers who are trying to help. Word from the Diocese of FL is not good; no one has heard from the Dean of the Diocesean Seminary in Haiti or his wife**. Please keep all in your prayers.
And I offer up more prayers to those in Haiti, their families abroad, and the relief workers who are trying to help. Word from the Diocese of FL is not good; no one has heard from the Dean of the Diocesean Seminary in Haiti or his wife**. Please keep all in your prayers.
**UPDATE: From the Bishop of Florida via email:
Dear brothers and sisters,
I have just received news that in the midst of tragedy in Haiti (over 100,000 deaths, it is reported) there is some good news: Episcopal Bishop Zache' and his wife and Dean Beauvoir and his wife are reported to be alive and living in a survivor's camp on an athletic field in Port-au-Prince. Thanks be to God. I am sorry to report to you that the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Haiti was killed in the collapse of his office at the cathedral, and reports are that there was virtually total destruction in urban areas. Please continue to keep Haiti, its people and the church there in your prayers and remember the work of Episcopal Relief and Development generously.
The Rt. Rev. Samuel Johnson Howard
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