I just received word from my friend, Charlotte, that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts. She will be going in for surgery (lumpectomy) a week from today, January 29th at 10:30am and then undergoing radiation treatment. She's keeping an online journal at Caring Bridge and is approaching this diagnosis, surgery and recovery with sensitivity and thoughtfulness. From a part of her email:
It's been a roller coaster since the end of October and it has taken this long to figure it all out but the good news is, we have discovered what is going in and are taking measures to heal it. The timing is amazing considering I had decided to retire and then found out I had breast cancer. As one friend said, this may be a way to clear out past stuff as I move into a new phase of my life.
Please pray for her, her medical team and her partner.
Charlotte is a key player in the early part of my spiritual autobiography. She was the chaplain at my prep school in whom I put my trust when I had none in anyone or anything. She was there for me at one the lowest points in my life. Time to return the favor.
O God of heavenly powers, by the might of your command
you drive away from our bodies all sickness and all infirmity:
Be present in your goodness with your servant Charlotte, that her
weakness may be banished and her strength restored; and that,
her health being renewed, she may bless your holy Name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I shall certainly pray for her and hope that she will be spared and I know she certainly was there for you when you needed someone.
Prayers for Charlotte and for you.
Thank you!!
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