Friends on Facebook have been all abuzz, in awe, and otherwise dumbfounded that Cindy McCain, wife of the "maverick" Arizona Senator John McCain, has done an ad for pro-gay groups challenging Proposition 8. It's not that they are amazed that she would want to do something for gay people; it's that she is the wife of somebody who publicly supported Prop H8 when he was campaigning for President in 2008.
This is not the first time that the wife of a Republican politician takes a position that is "out-of-line" with her husband (and the Party for that matter). This is actually pretty common. And it's a way of trying to "soften the edges" on the political husband as he tries to run to the right of Attila the Hun. The difference is that I never believed John McCain hated gay people. He was the Republican who effectively called a halt to the attempt to push through a federal marriage amendment by not backing the thing. And, if he's an Arizona Republican of the Barry Goldwater variety, then cracking on gay people isn't his cup of tea... no matter what the teabag crowd wants.
Still, one would hope that Cindy McCain, upon removing the duct tape from her mouth, would then let out a shout of "Enough!!"
Stop putting the rights of LGBT citizens on the ballot, on trial, on the medical table, and on the altar of sacrifice.
Speaking of trials and sacrifices, the challenge to Proposition 8 is continuing with the defense likely to start calling its witnesses next week. The defense would be the homophobes in this case (for once, they're on the defensive side!) My friend Cameron did a performative reading of the trial transcript with his buddy Jade on FSU's campus. More on that later. To stay up on what's happening with the trial, click here.
Hurrah for Cindy, and who is this person that is writing about investments, and not reading what you have written.
Peggins, they are a spammer who have been scraped into the garbage pail.
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